another new thing is the transparent black box under the information layer- it's now a lot more transparent so you can still see a lot of the background flipbook. adream mentioned adding a soft dropshadow under the top layer so it looks offset a little more- it's subtle, but it is indeed there to add some more of the dimensionality.

the information so that it lines up into the 1/3 proportion found throughout the layouts. also noted is getting rid of the white box with the red x in it- this was too obvious and not integrated enough, so now it's the same soft gray color as the text and box edges, and instead of an 'X', it's a carrot to symbolize sliding the box back to the right to close it.
now some questions/suggestions from the other groups...
-should the transparent box between the main layer and the subpages be colored instead of a transparent black? as in, information would be a neutral blue, loves could be soft red and hate could be a dark green? all of them would be transparent as the middle layer is now, just not black.
-should there be a directions page or an area that explains the two different things meant to happen in the interactivity?
-any suggestions on the category names on the main page?
thanks for looking and commenting!