Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Molly Finn _ Interface Designs


adam said...

Hey Mol,

It's time for comments, so get excited.

Layout 1: Since everyone already knows how to use a cell phone, I think it's a great idea to use one as an interface. Should cut down on the time it takes bystanders to learn our program. I know the iPhone has a touchscreen. Were you planning on integrating this in anyway (using your mouse to drag up and down the screen, for example). Because this isn't a feature of most phones people are accustomed to, I don't think it would be necessary.

Layout 2: I like this idea a lot. I can imagine rioter sound effects playing in the background as you navigated around. I'm assuming the silhouettes will be completely replaced with the new shots you mentioned? Would there be any way to deliver more information about each person beyond just their "hates"? One of the things that comes to mind with pickets/riots is that it might get out of control. Maybe the interface could decay as people got more and more frustrated with their "hates" until the user was able to somehow calm the crowd down and restore order.

Adream said...


I have already told you i really like the picket line design. I think the large window controls the content and allows you to really think about the navigation.

Right now the navigation is not really all that resolved but I think that can be handled quite easily. I thin in this design you might also decide to give the window some depth (slight drop shadow etc), something that keeps the window from feeling flat.

I think the navigation idea of the cell is Adam said, it allows for easy learning and a compact interface.

I think the design of the page is not quite as resolved though. Perhaps you can intergrate the two? use the navigation figuratively (without the cell container the nav is even more compact) and the style and design of the first idea.

good place for inspiration.

stefanie said...

Layout 1 Rather than using the actual iPhone as a layout, I'd take specific elements from it. I only know bits and pieces about the phone's interface. It would be too hard to use touchscreen because the user has to use a mouse and it just doesn't have the same effect. The menus are a nice way to categorize everything though. Were you planning on having images load to the side or on the screen?

Layout 2 Personally I'd develop this one more. You've got an interesting concept but it's not quite there yet. I like the silhouettes actually. You could keep them and everytime you clicked on one, a different person would flip around. When a person is loaded then you could click on the sign and that would present their love, fear, etc. It's interesting that you used strictly a horizontal layout. I think you could even use the cell to your advantage. Say, drag a person to a cell and you're presented with their mugshot and information. It would have to be obvious enough to drag a person there though.

Andrew Nida said...

Layout 1: I like the way this is a pretty intuitive interface. Everything is pretty clear and like a lot of people have said, it should be pretty easy for a broad audience to learn. With so few kids being in our class, do you think it'd be easier to just have us all listed on the students menu so you don't have to scroll? I think the design overall would have a greater unity if you included some of the colors on the screen into the background. Even just an accent. I like this one of your two designs. I think this one has the most potential to fit a lot of content and be an interesting interface.

Layout 2: I like this concept. If we're going to take pictures of ourselves and patch us into the background It could look really cool with saturated colors and then to mute the background like you have it when someone's picture is revealed or maybe a silhouette of muting? Like a reverse spotlight. I think this one is stronger visually but wonder how you were thinking about displaying all our information or how much it would contain.

Rob said...

Layout 1 Both of your designs are interesting Molly, but I like this one better purely on its intuitiveness and it can convey more information easier. The look might need to be seperated from the iPhone some more without losing the feel, and a scroll bar or arrow buttons would be necessary to scroll the names. A nice little touch might be to have everyone record a little voicemail audio clip for when you click them. Personal information with the portrait might be nice too.

Layout 2 An interesting idea, if not a little simplistic. I actually like the way the silhouettes look, maybe their picture could fade in when you mouse over them. It might also be interesting if only one person is in view at a time, and the rest have to be scrolled over to. I feel like more information is needed, at least personal info when the person is clicked or something.