Thursday, February 15, 2007

ceci nes pas un interface. [AMALIA]

1. this one is based on those children's flip books where there are three portions and you can build all sorts of crazy faces. ideally, the face pieces would all be illustrated to limit the creepiness. currently they are demonstrated as photos, but just imagine cutesy boys in beards, illustrator style in their place.

this could be a potential book turned to. goofy awesomeness! this is why illustrations are preferable.

hovering switches between face pages. clicking ends up opening more photos in the category or the person's info (top level is info+bedroom/shoes, middle is love and defined by, bottom is hate and fear)

2. this one is based on a word scrambler. the letters are blurry in the image to symbolize letter movement- all letters are constantly moving besides everyone in the classroom's name, which are colored slightly and stationary.

upon clicking a name, two image browsers can pop up and show photos to click through. the letters would fade slightly but continue their dizzying movement.


Julie B said...

I like the first interface more, because I think it will be universally more interesting to a wide array of audiences. It is more straight-forward and I think some people might possibly be turned of by the word puzzle system.

MattLewisDesign said...

Both ideas are very clever.

The 1st is rather creepy but a lot of fun. I like how you have added the pictures of people's rooms behind their section of their face. It will be interesting how you allow the user to move between sections and how the sections will move.

The 2nd with the crossword I like as well as Im a big crossword fan. I think it would be interesting if this idea could go as far as having the user actually find the names.

Good to see 2 completely seperate ideas.

barletkr said...

hello hello,

I was really interested to see both ideas. But, I can only like one and I like the second. Ok, I like the first one as's why: The first I like because it brings the class together in a more cohesive manner since it is literally turning a few people into one. However, I am very drawn to the crossword puzzle. It is a good idea to start with but does not seem to be developed well enough yet. The idea of finding someone in a jumble of the class is intruiging, but where to go from there? Very good ideas, love your difference in layouts...good job amalia!!

Justin Spencer said...

Amalia, I like your first design the best because it engages me right away. Having someone's eys in the eyes of the center gets my atttention. I also like the concept of switching peoples features. Perhaps you could incorporate some kind of feature that randomly mixes people. I'm sure we will discuss it more when we meet as a group. As for the second design, I think it needs something to catch the viewer's eye.

Adream said...


I love both o these designs for their creaivity. My favorite, though, is the first design.

The first desgn does a grea job of inspiring curiosity and exporation for the user. (really capture the "wonder" aspect of the cabinet of curiosities).

I think the secondary window of information and the navigation in it feel slightly stilted and could use some refinement. But I am extremely happy with the overall effect of the design.

how could you keep the simplicity of the nav on the home page and he simple column in the secondary information.

perhaps there is a way to incorporate more of this type of column nav into the design?

sarah said...

The second one seems hard to view. Maybe if the words/names were different sizes that would help. But i do like the idea. And i agree with matt about having the user find the name of the person they want to view. Maybe that is the only way they are able to view the information.

First idea is neat too. I would have to see how it would look in illustrator like you were saying.