Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ok, this is my first concept. A little bulliten board theme with the main navigation being Love, Hate, and Fear. Its really more the structure that I like than the look. I think since the focus of this project is what we love, hate, and fear, then that is how I would like to categorize the information. First by love, fear, or hate, then by student. Not the other way around. The next layout that I have done is more of a structural map of how I would like to lay out the interface.


barletkr said...

hiiii dustin,

I like your idea of the bulletin board, it's very clear and gets straight to the point. The only thing that I questioned was how you were going to move from the first to the second page, or if these are two different ideas. It seems as though you would have to move the "fear" and "hate" sections to accomodate the "love" or are we being sent "into" that section? Just a thought. I like that the photographs are placed on the board just like they would if they were on a real board and are not part of a specific grid, makes it look more real. Good job!

Justin Spencer said...

Dustin, I think this idea has a lot of potential. Its definitely a good idea for what we are doing. The hard part would be to add order to it. Usually bulletin boards are haphazardly put together. But in order for it to be a good user interface it would need some kind of navigational system. I see that's what you were getting at with you second design, but I liked the first better. We can talk about it more when we meet as a group.

Adream said...


i think the bulletin board is interesting but might work better if you treat it like an entire layout and zooming into one section over another section, rather than shuffling things...

usually that requires major transitions or it looks too flat. I do like the collage aspect and you might look into other collage sites to see how they handle it...


I did like your other idea...particularly that the info pages were quite interesting...but it seems unfinished compared to this idea.

elishadenza said...

Hi Dustin!

I think the bulletin board idea is excellent; the photos could develop, just like polaroids do, which could be very visally interesting. It would also provide for simple navigational principles (who doesn't know how to operate a bulletin board?!)
and also, things could be moved in order to show and hide information. All and all, cool concept.

sarah said...

yo dustin,

I think your bulletin board is the best of the two. The first one seems a little too ordinary and doesnt really grab my interest to want to click around. The bulletin board is a good idea. Right now I think the user would have some trouble figuring out where they were at on the site. You have the word love slightly hidden behind pictures, there might be a better spot where people can read it better? I would just try to make it more clear as to the location and the navigation.

MattLewisDesign said...

I really like this cork board idea. The first idea doesnt have many interesting aspects to it for me to even point out.

With this cork board, Id be very interested in seeing how it moves between students and hates/fears/loves. The layout is nice and very similar to what many may experience with an actual cork board.

Well put lad.