Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Front page interface

Here's what I came up with for the first page navigation. Each point of the map would light up in a different color on rollover, and when clicked it takes you to the content.


Adream said...


i think dave's is the one to go with...but using colors from the secondary layout and orange...

also i think you might be better suited to a different shape...perhaps you keep the asterik and have only 4 functioning at the moment.

right now that is too red cross or cross-like....

also I like that robin rounded her corners bit...but it is still strange to have the point in people's eyes...cheeks...etc.


M said...

I agree with Adream, the asterick shape does not work for this layout. Also, would Justin's picture always be the one in the middle of the asterick, or would the user be able to cycle through the pictures of the people that correspond to the rooms?

barletkr said...

First of all, I like the color scheme on this better than on David's. It seems to be less "shocking" if possible. But overall, I would choose david's design. Mostly because this seems to be squeezed between the grey bars and sections. I do like that the type is smaller. In looking at both I'm becoming torn between the two. I wish you could combine both with small type, robin's color scheme, but layout of david's (take up entire page). If you could put both of these together or take elements from one and elements from other I think you could make a really successful design. Great job!

MattLewisDesign said...

I am confused why we have so many examples to choose from for this group still.

Again the same thoughts apply for this one as did for David's. Only 4 students (4 "spokes")?

I do like David's layout better, but I like how these "spokes" highlight when rolled over or selected or whatever... better than them becoming a solid color, the solid colors seemed to disconnected.

Andrew Nida said...

I think, as some other people have said, both the layouts title it as a museum but don't really have a museum feel to it. Unless it somehow changes in the main content area, I would just change that wording. Is there any kind of Indicator as to who you are choosing when you roll over a person? I think you could change "Please select a room" to the person's name on the roll over and back to the normal state when they aren't over the cross.

Julie B said...

I like the simplicity and the colors, especially for conveying a museum aesthetic. The white really helps as well. However the vertical approach to type is not as complimentary or simplistic as we could make it. I think it would be best to do something like:

(then on another line in smaller type)
Museum of Digtial Designers

I agree with adream that the plus-like/semi-asterisk is not as nice as a regular asterisk although I know she wanted you guys to experiment with a four-sided symbol.

Anonymous said...

probably my main problem with this layout is the gray rectangle on the bottom, which i think other people have brought up. it being a main page, i'm not sure the interactivity is utilizing the full space as it could. you could even pull the asterisk down to cover part of it if you really need that rectangle to be there.

anyway, what i'm trying to say is that since it's a main page, make something really important spatially.

sarah said...

I like the use of title MODD, but prefer the layout with Stef on it better, Im not sure which layout you guys decided to work with since you've posted multiple ideas.

stefanie said...

i loved the extreme simplicity of the intro design that you showed to us after class on weds. i think the grey bars on this design are a bit unnecessary. i agree though, the colors on this are a bit less "shocking".

Anonymous said...

I think there's a lot of un-utilized space in this layout. It would be nice if there was something in the gray bars... perhaps really faded pictures of the class. Or you could scale the cross up so it overlaps the gray areas.

I find the shape of the cross is a little too reminiscent of the symbol for radioactivity. Also, would there be any cue for people to click on the "arms" or "spokes"? I have a feeling people wont make the connection between "room" and the arms of the cross.