Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Group 1 layouts (Kristen)


M said...

Main Page I really like the solid grid and information displayed on rollover. My only suggestion is when the rest of the images are dimmed on rollover, don't add a white transparency over them. Perhaps, use a darker overlay to blend the inactive photos into the gradiated background more.

Content Page Move the name down to the box with the other information and even out the lines of the thumbnail box to the face photo. Also highlight the grid row that is being viewed in the bottom left navigation. Finally, where will the thumbnail images be projected when clicked...where the face shot is displayed?

Great design, I love the grid approach!

adam said...

Main: I like your use of the grid a lot. It organizes the information in a really clear way and close cropping on the photos makes identifying each person's square very easy. I'm not sure the use of the transparent white layer is the best way to go. Imagine that every time someone moves their mouse from somewhere off the grid to somewhere on the grid (or vise versa) the entire grid (minus one square) will change. This could be a little much. You might want to start with all the photos dimmed so when the user goes to select one, only that one changes.

Content: I totally understand why the four photos remain on the left (they were a part of that person's column), but why just those 4? Do they have some greater significance to the person that was selected? Unless you were going to set up the columns as the groups we were divided into in class, I'd just go ahead and leave the four larger pictures on the left out. In other words, if the columns don't have any meaning other than being columns, don't give them the appearance of some greater significance.

Justin Spencer said...

I think the first page does a good job in communicating the idea behind this project. It looks like a yearbook with everyone's picture next to each other. I think that it would be nice if you used the rest of the screen for something. Maybe you could display the test there when you rolled over a person's face. Perhaps the person's name on one side and their information on the other?

Another thing that I would suggest is adding some kind of exploration to the main page. Right now its pretty straight foward. Maybe you could try Adam's idea and see how it worked. You could have a movieclip that slowly fades to black in the beginning.

The only thing that I have to say about the second page is that it seems redundant to have the face shot and the full body shot on the same page. I would go with the full body shot and use the face shot as a rollover for the first page. But overall I like the design, good job Kristen.

Rob said...

Main: I think the clean organization is really strong and adds a lot to the design. You can tell right away what the project is about, but I think the space can be utilized better. I'm not crazy about the white outlines, they seem really overpowering, and I would also prefer the title to align at the top of the text. As for the pop up info, it might be nice to shift all the photos over and have a designated area on the right where the info can appear. Also, an interesting idea might be to have the photos fade between different expressions to make it less static.

Content: I didn't understand the row of photos thing at first, but I think it could be really successful if you have an animation or something that shifts the selected row from its original position to where you have it here. Some little navigation to switch without having to go back would be nice too. I like the room background, but I think it should be more visible. I also think you could ditch the big face photo to utilize more space for the picture grid.

Adream said...


small suggestions...

1. I really like molly's suggestion to darken rather than lighten on rollover.

2. line weight...make it ore consistent...perhaps set all line weights to 1 or 2 points (one or the other.not both).

3. secondary page...perhaps you label the attribute.

4. game language or something different.

5. maybe use all upper case for all titles (like your name and uc & lc for the supplemental text).

6. address the rolws of people in the 16 square grid (4 selected at a time) in the final design.

Nice job overall though.

Robin said...

The grid idea is nice. For consistency's sake I think the inactive faces on the main page should be grayed out like the ones on the content page. I don't know if it's a good idea to have the same picture twice on the content page. Maybe something else could go there instead (The feet picture? The object that defines you?) Or maybe the larger version of the thumbnail you click on the right could go there.

Andrew Nida said...

Overall, I like this layout and I can easily see how I'm supposed to navigate through it. I mentioned it in class, that the basic info part at the bottom is kinda weird for other people. I think if you put it to the left of the box it would strengthen the grid with the title and you could keep the box to the left no matter which column they choose. In the thumbnail part, I like the continuance of the grid, but I'm not sure why the pictures are spaced out like that. It's fine that they are but it just seems kinda out of place since everything else is so rigid. I would either make that rigid like the rest of the content or loosen up another area.

Anonymous said...

Layouts look great; the grid system works well and I like how you maintain the grid concept in each stage of the navigation. You might want to rethink the text color - black on grey will be hard to read for some people.

Julie B said...

I think it woule be nice to have the name with the other info. I like what was said in class about some sort of rollover that identifies what section of photos one is selecting.