Wednesday, February 21, 2007

julie +stef redesign - secondary page

Mine above and stef's below


sarah said...

I think the second layout is a lot more organized than the first. I really like the blue and yellow colors together, as well as the tabs. The picture really pops out and looks like it belongs there.

I like how you varied the type on the bottom with the basic information of the person. However the abbreviations for the favorite movie and food, as just one letter is very misleading. I know what you were trying to do, but other people who see this wont be familiar with the questions that we made for ourselves and it might not make any sense to them. There also doesn't seem to be a pattern in my opinion, as to what information gets made what size. Movie and Designer for example are the same size and they follow each other, as opposed to the first line which has alterations in type.

Adream said...

I agree the second layout..

I think you are jammed a bit awkwardly on the bottom at the moment and I really liked the silhouttes from the last design...

if you don't use still need some indication of how you get from one person to the next...perhaps from the last design...?

right are missing a way to go from one person to another and finally...the plus is ok here...but does not work on the home...too red cross or church...maybe you should go back the asterik?

as you make changes...continue to post...i will check in.


adam said...

I totally agree with Sarah on the second layout. The letters representing each of the questions ("B" for favorite book, for example) would probably not have any meaning for someone who wasn't already familiar with the project. Moreso, what's to say these are each of our favorites (as opposed to least favorite, or most recent, etc...)?

I like the menu system that's directly connected to the picture window that it would manipulate. I think this will make the navigation very intuitive.

Justin Spencer said...

I agree with Adream, Adam, and Sarah in liking the second design better then the first. But I wish that the picture was bigger. Maybe you could use the upper half of the screen to display the image? As it is right now, the white behind stef makes the design look a bit unfinished.

In terms of the text, I like where you placed it. I also like that you chose to go with a full body shot instead of a face shot. But I was wondering how you will go from person to person. Maybe you could have arrows beneath the person that lets you scoll through the class? Or some kind of menu like Rob's group?

M said...

I think the second design is more successful. The navigation is more organized and intutive. I would lose the heavy top bar on the photograph and expand the dimensions of the photo area...your proportions of the page are great, but I think you could push it a little more.
I also appreciate the typographic treatment you have at the bottom, by playing around with font size, but agree with the other comments, the abbreviations are confusing.
Also, would the blue background change for whatever content category you are viewing? This may reinforce the navigation, and explain the project in a more visual manner.

barletkr said...

Basically, everyone that everyone else is saying is how I feel, too. The second layout is more successful I feel in spatial layout and emphasis on the right things. The image is larger and the person's picture is better integrated.

The only thing that I would say for the second layout is that the initials area little confusing for the general public and while I really like the size differences in the information but it seems to squish everything on the bottom and I wish there was some more breathing room. Also, the small plus sign works better since it isn't an integral part of the design but still needs to be seen. Good job on both layouts!

Rob said...

I agree with just about everything that's been said already. I'd go with the second design, bring back the silhouetes, and lose the blue bar at the top. The black text bothers me for some reason, I wonder if white would be better? I feel like the yellow should be used somewhere else too other than just the tabs.

MattLewisDesign said...

I think here with the designs being very similar and interaction being that part that really strikes me as different, I am going to choose Stef's. I like that I am able to see my selections quickly but still in a simple sense. I do not appreciate the idea of having to jump through so many menus when there are only so many choices that can be easily plotted in a simple, clean way.

Here is where I see a problem with the cross. It turns into the Red Cross sign for me. Does it just take me back to the main page? Can I move between people other wise or do I have to flip back to the main page every time?

Andrew Nida said...

I think the first layout is kinda hard to navigate. I get the basic navigation once inside a person but is the "+" sign take you to another person or what? What if you want to go back to the previous person? If you aren't going to give the user the ability to choose any person at any given time you should at least give them the option to cycle back and forth. I don't think the content is really meant for a straight up linear interface. I like the way the "+" looks though. Swissy.

Same thing for this interface, I think the user should be able to cycle back and forth and not face to go through everyone linearly. I like the content layout but I'm not digging the abbreviated topics. I don't think you should have to look at the content to figure out what content category you're reading. I think this one is easier to navigate than the first layout though.

Anonymous said...

Personally I find the rollout menus in Julie's design to be a lot neater and more concise... however, since we dont have a whole lot of content to present, it makes more sense to have Stef's layout so that what content we have is more easily accessible. If we were cataloging more information (like 20 photos instead of 4-5) then i would lean more towards Julie's design.