Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Layout 1 (rubix cube):

Layout 2 (museum):


adam said...

Hey Matt, I have a few comments about the layouts you posted.

Layout 1: This is a really interesting way to organize the information - as simple as a basic grid layout but with an extra twist (no pun intended). Would the faces actually turn? If so, what would be on the other sides (more students, other information, etc...)? Also, one of the distinguishing elements of the original Rubix cube was the color. Would that help to distinguish between different sides/information? Also, what effect would different combinations of sides/turns have on the delivery of information? Could users mix and match information between students or would this always be kept separate? Just some things to think about...

Layout 2: I like the visual aspect of the museum you created. The lighting and overhead view is very intriguing...makes me want to explore through the rooms. That being said, would the user know which room belonged to which student without actually going into the room first? You might want to have some way of differentiating one room from the other to make it easier to navigate. I like that by separating each student into their own room, you can easily compartmentalize the information to keep it separate and easily understandable.

Adream said...

dave (matt).

i thought both ideas were quite interesting. The second design of museum layout was particularly interesting but as of right now there is no navigation connecting the primary and seconday pages.

would there be a title.
what is the significance of the room?

my question would be is it possible to have a more rigid navigation for this design...a set navigation that a user could rely on?

the rubix cube is also interesting but I worry that there might be a huge learning curve for the navigation. I do like that the navigation and content areas are defined inthis design.

Also, how would this deal with the real contet? pics? text? right now it is missing...would that throw things off?

could you incorporate color into either design for navigation?

look at how they use color in this design

stefanie said...

Layout 1 I was pretty excited that you picked the Rubrik cube as your second layout. How would you go from user to personal information? You might be able to put that sort of stuff on the other 5 sides. That way you could search by user, or by a specific photo, or category. Userabillity at it's finest. Also, yeah, mixing and matching would be fun to explore. It just needs some color too. I think this concept is really hard to work with but could be very interesting.

Layout 2 The dimensionality of this design is great. Would you keep the first view or start out in a room? Objects embedded into the glass is a nice idea. Would this actually be rendered in 3D? You could do some cool fly-bys if there were actual 3D objects in the interface. FLVs are supposedly easy to use in flash. I think if you had a map of some sort on the wall (rather than the 'back to museum' which is kind of html'ish) it would be easier to pick where you wanted to go from the room. Rather than going back to the main view each time you want to see someone else. There might even be less rooms to wander through if you wanted to categorize people into "exhibits."

M said...

Layout 1: The rubix cube is clever, but seems it could present some confusion in the navigation. The user could easily get lost and frustrated, just as people do with a real rubix cube. Perhaps if you only let the side of the entire cube rotate as opposed to the individual squares. Like have our portraits on one side, fears on another, hate on another and so on. I like the split screen approach to display the information once selected from the cube.

Layout 2: Your map of the museum is great. However, I do not feel like you carry that style through to the information / room pages. Keep the same lighting, or perhaps make the rooms look like a display case and lay out our info like an exhibit - with our full body shots presented like a wax figure maybe.

Andrew Nida said...

Layout 1: I think this interface could be interesting but the absence of almost all color makes it look really washed out. It would help to see it with our pictures (I'm assuming that's what goes in the bottom four boxes) to see what kind of contrast that adds. I'm kinda uncertain what the arrows do. They look like they should do something but I don't know what. On the cube, if you put that white portrait image on every cube face division, I think it might add more depth and push the 3d effect. I think it would be cool if you could enlarge the photos too. It could enlarge to fit inside its black bounding box?

Layout 2: See, in this one, I think the absence of color is working for you in the first menu but like in the first layout, I think the second menu doesn't have enough contrast and the black/white works against you. It's kinda hard to imagine the final look with just the placeholders so that might help out some. Also some kind of cue that tells the user what each exhibit is before they click would be helpful. I think it looks pretty cold and you could make the room more museum like as I think museum exhibits try to portray an example of life, but interface wise, I like where it's headed.I like this one the best of your two layouts, as it has the most potential to be interesting.

Rob said...

Layout 1 Rubix cube, very clever but I have no idea what you want to do with it. It could be interesting to have each of the sides on the cube represent one of the sections (info, love, hate...), but the rotating sides might be very difficult to utilize. The information portion is fairly bland now and doesn't do much for me. Could be interesting, but these things just tend to irritate people :)

Layout 2 Congratulations on having the only 3D idea, I think this design has much more promise. I'm not sure how much of this you want to animate, but if you click a room and the camera shifts down to the perpective of the second image that would be pretty sweet. I really like the idea of us as "exibits" and it has a very nice anispetic feel which goes well with it. The text sprawled along the floor will be very interesting and the 3D heads might be a nice touch too. Good job.

Robin said...

Layout 1 I like the way this is organized. I think the content is a little bit close together, it feels like it could use a little more space. Mixing and matching could be fun, and the reset button is a good idea so the user can't get too lost.

Layout2 The 3d thing is really neat. I like the over head map view a lot, although the room looks a little plain in black and white. Then again maybe it would look better when it has all the stuff in there.