Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Rob Buchheit_Design Layouts

Yeah, just imagine he's someone in our class. We'd have to take more dynamically lit portraits for this to work.

Second design pops up new windows for each room.


MattLewisDesign said...


adam said...

Hey Rob,

Snake indeed. The first thing I noticed is that you came up with two totally different ideas and really took the project in two separate directions. That's not always easy to do, so nice job.

Layout 1: Did you make that illustration from a photograph? Without knowing how you would do something like that, it's hard for me to tell, but do you think it would be doable with 4+ people from our class? It's a great effect if so, and I think it has definite possibilities. I've never played Metal Gear, but does that mirror a style used in the game? The reason I ask - the information displayed at the bottom seems like it could be better integrated with the illustration, as opposed to a bar overlaying the image. Any ideas?

Layout 2: I like the illustrations here a lot. It looks like this layout could have a lot of variety and turn out to be a lot of fun. My question is - if all people are going to be represented somehow within the house, how will the user know to whom each room belongs? For example, your portrait was in the basement, but how would I know to go there? If a user left a room, would that window close (making it difficult to retrace your steps) or would the windows remain open (possibly crowding the user's desktop with windows). I'm not sure the best way around that one, just something to consider...

Adream said...


design wise the first is better composed. I have a few questions though...

1. how would we navigate through multiple people...this is missing the first crucial step.

2. the illustration is nice...would color be used.

3. once in the content do i get to another person.

4. would there be a difference inillustration style between girls and boys.

In the second design, I think the idea is my concerns is the programming and the number of illustration types...right now the illustration in individual windws are all over the map..(as the content will be). How can you control that without designing a layout for that? (ie several windows) Right now it feels disjointed.

what if you created just a single window but a mini one?

stefanie said...

Layout 1 The illustrations would certainly take a lot of time, unless you restricted the interface to just your group. I had an idea rather than using the transparent box at the bottom. If it was obvious enough you could have the users mouse over a specific feature on the face to reveal something. Say, hovering over the eyes and they turn that person's eye color. However that might be problematic for other descriptions. I like how the illustrations are double-sided: love vs hate. Is the user able to click on the upper-left icon to flip the colors? I like this one the most.

Layout 2 I don't know about you but I don't like popups. I know these would stay within the interface, though. How would you go about getting these to start? I guess it just doesn't quite look all together yet. Would there be an initial page from which these load? Or would it be something like dashboard where you can click on any one at a time? Or like one of those 'create-your-own-adventure' games where you start with one and progress to your own liking?

Julie B said...

To me the second layout could be very interesting in its interaction with the viewer, but the first interface holds up stronger as something that could be managable and easier to understand. I like the first design, mainly because a lot of design involves a simplication and stylization, which this kind of visual does. It would be interesting to see how you organize this system, so that the navigation is refined. I think you will need to have some kind of main screen where the viewer can see all of the illustrations at once and from there magnify somehow one person's profile. Good Job.

M said...

Layout 1: I like the idea of the illustration affect to our photos. Gives a different look, but still portrays the person. However, try to integrate the information more into the illustration. Or, make it look like a game profile (I don't know what Snake is, haha, I'm assuming its a game...but make the info look like more of a profile next to the illustration, as opposed to a box below.)

Layout 2: I like this idea the best, but raise the same concern as do we know where each person is? Perhaps the main screen could have each person's photo at first, then you click on it and then your idea starts, where the user can take the person they picked through the house to discover their information.

Andrew Nida said...

Layout 1: I like this one the best of your two layouts. It's a nice illustration style. How do we navigate from person to person though? The circle on the left? Does the style stay in illustration to demonstrate their fear or go to photography? I think this one has a lot of potential and would have to hear your ideas on the navigation. I think the type at the bottom should be more prominent though. There's a lot of text down there and I have harder time reading that than the menus at the top.

Layout 2: I like this one too and think it could have a really interesting and fun interface. You could have a lot of movement going on and give it depth on a 2d plane, if that makes sense? I'm kinda confused about the overall navigation though. Do we use the map to open up new rooms? How are you going to handle the hover state when someone is over the map? I think that might be a little confusing to some people. I like the idea of this one more, but I think your other design looks better and is better evolved at this point.

Robin said...

Layout 1 I really like the illustration style and the light vs. dark. There is kind of limited space for the content though. I think some people might have a hard time reading text that small. This seems like it would be challenging but it could be really neat.

Layout 2 It seems like it might get confusing if a user couldn't tell where a window came from. You can tell with the arrows there, but without them I think it would be too easy to get lost. If they opened too many at once it might start to feel cluttered.