Wednesday, February 14, 2007

stefanie k: feb 14

museum/room concept counterclockwise from top: main page, secondary, "room" page. shadows represent other people. i didn't have other full-body shots.

keychain concept counterclockwise from top: main page and secondary pages. groups are arranged on tacks. each person is a keychain.


adam said...

Hey Stefanie,

I like both of your layouts a lot. Nice job coming up with two totally different concepts and developing both fully. Just a few notes:

Layout 1: Not sure if you meant it this way, but an asterisk usually denotes more detailed information, so that makes a lot of sense for this project. Would you want to have any text descriptions alongside the pictures to describe their meanings in more detail? I don't think this is totally necessary, but it might help for people who are completely in the dark when it comes to our class/this project. If the scope of this project was bigger and you did have to fit in silhouettes for the whole class, how would you want to do that?

Layout 2: I think I like this concept the best. The shape of the speech bubble on each person's page is really nice. This would also support a larger number of students if that was the case. Following the theme of keychains, you could possibly have charms that accompany each person and represent some part of their personality. Just an idea :)

Adream said...


I think both of these design are etrms of design I would be confortable with either direction.

The first design is interesting but the navigation seems a bit complex without having much of a payout. I like the arrow tabs to the information on the secondary page but the site is lacking the vibrancy of the second design and the gray gets a bit flat.

The key chain design is my favorite. There is potential in the color coding...the thought bubble is interesting but you may try a rectangle with rounded corners to maximise the space...also the round shape disrupts the design slightly.

I really see alot of potential in this second design. even the color line/tab on the right could become an interesting design element.

some sites to look at

for color palettes


for transitions...

M said...

Layout 1: I like the layout of the individual information, simple, yet sosphiticated. However, I'm a bit confused as to how you get back to the navigation from the information pages.

Layout 2: I like this design the best. The keychains are clever, however grouping them by our groups seems arbitrary. This will mean nothing to our audience. Perhaps, once you get a chance to look at everyone's content, you could group the keychains by similarities, or some other unifying factor.

Anonymous said...

Layout 1 I really like the visual treatment and how you've organized the data. My only confusion is how you select different students. Also, does that asterisk (or however you spell it) stick around after we click one of its "spokes", or does it disappear entirely? The way your images are displayed, the main menu is to the left of the content page. I dont know if that is intentional or not, but I like how we can see the other collections as well as the current content page. That way, instead of having to click a 'back' or 'home' button we can go straight to another collection.

Layout 2 Again, great aesthetics... you're a much better graphic designer than I am. I think this layout is more fleshed out than the other one. My only complaint is that it seems kind of static - I like how, in your first layout, direction plays a part in the organizational scheme - the different spokes of the asterisk go to different areas. Here its more of a hierarchical scheme which, to me, is less interesting. Perhaps if the keychains were scattered around instead of hanging, so there was some element of exploration.

Andrew Nida said...

Layout 1: I think the drop shadows give the layout good depth and I think the typography looks pretty good as well. The content is kinda confusing though. I can guess what the pictures represent but even if you labeled which group the pictures belonged to, it would make it a lot clearer what the pictures show. There's nothing that really cues me on the navigation either once I'm into the content, even if it's just a close box that takes you back to the main menu. It looks like it has potential but needs to develop more.

Layout 2: This is the favorite of your two layouts. I think the main menu is pretty intuitive about what the user should do next. What do you do after you pick a tack? I think both the main and secondary menus work but I'm not sure how they relate to each other or how you would transition that. Zoom in on each individual tack? Overall, I think this one has the most potential and has the best usability at this point. I would be interested, too, how you are going to tackle putting the whole class. It works well for just your group.

Robin said...

Layout 1 I really like the overall look of this one. I like how you used the asterisk. But would you have to go to each person's page in order like a slide show? I think there should be a way to get to anyone's at any time.

Layout 2 This is a really cool idea. I like the speech bubble thing. It would be neat if people could customize their keychain even further by maybe adding other things (we could even do that for the things that define us.) One thing that bothered me a little is that I think some people might not immediately pick up on what the letter abbreviations stood for.

Rob said...

Layout 1 Both of your designs are very good, but I think I do like this one better. It has a very nice asthetic and lots of potential with the asterisk for movement and transitions. I really appreciate the simplicity of color and information, and I assume you meant it to zoom in close on the asterisk for the second page, and then rotate to the selected spoke. I'm not sure how you want to address swapping people, but you could just have their shadows rise out of the black bar before going to your third section.

Layout 2 The keychains are a clever idea, but I think it would be better with one for each person as opposed to groups. It would also be really amusing if you could grab them and stick it to something to go onto the next section, but that might be a lot of work. The secondary pages are organized very well, but I'm not sure how you are going to transition into them. I also think the picture space needs to be larger, and the text block is somewhat hard to read.